Every day when I went to sleep, my mother would take me in her lap and pat me. I felt being in the safest shelter and melted in her lap in deep sleep. Though waking up in the morning I never found her near me, and she would come running hearing my voice, or my crying; still I never doubted her presence by me during the next bed time or had never refused to trust her presence and slept in her lap hearing her lullaby.
Hey, I believe all of us who are reading this came across the same thing. Many of us did not prepare a full or portion of a chapter in school and college days, because our friend promised us to help in the exam if there was a question from that chapter. Husbands and wives live far apart and work in different cities as well as countries without questioning each other.
When I pay for my stuffs while shopping online, I hesitatingly give all the required details to the payment gateway. The economic transactions depend on trust; those based on fiat currency are based on trust. New technological mechanisms like block chain are based on that ‘trust’ placed in transactions that are verified by many people. Also we have grantor trust, simple trust, and complex trust in business. In the area of marketing, trust is the new currency. Digital marketing connects with a potential customer through social media platform, and push their products. With the sanction of trust, products and services are sold. There was a time when the reputed cigarette brands used to claim, out of ten, nine doctors recommend their brand, and yes, customers trusted that. Trust based marketing helps customers to make informed buying decisions depending on comprehensive marketplace options and equitable advice. It believes in building a strong brand loyal customer base.
Think about a doctor- patient relationship! When our life hangs in some balance, we trust a doctor. The defendant criminal at the face of death sentences never fails to trust his lawyer. Even when the doctor does egregious error and the lawyer does a fatal mistake, we again trust him. The accountant is trusted, a bank is trusted, the school is trusted, the crèche is trusted and the pilot is the flight is trusted too. Trust is for all. Trust is the glue that binds relationships. Trust carries with itself a positive emotive expression. Trust is built brick by brick.
Trust forms the bedrock of every business function, permeating its very essence. It serves as the foundation upon which relationships are built—be it between employers and employees, companies and customers, or partners and stakeholders. In the absence of trust, cooperation, collaboration, and effective communication falter. Trust facilitates the smooth flow of information, encourages innovation, and fosters a conducive environment for risk-taking. It underpins the decision-making process, as businesses rely on accurate data, transparent practices, and dependable partnerships.
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