He has been working with the Administrative Staff College of India as Assistant Professor (Finance) since July 2021. He has 15 years of Teaching experience to MBA Students.
He is empaneled Resource Person from Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Mumbai, to educate and bring financial planning and awareness among the various sects of the society. To his credit there are 60 workshops organized for young investors, executives, home makers, Retired Persons, and self-help group members. His Research interests are in the areas of Financial Accounting, Cost accounting, Management Accounting, financial management, financial econometrics, derivatives, financial engineering, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management and emerging markets.
At ASCI he acted as Resource Person for various MDP’s Viz: ONGC Young Leaders Programme on Understanding Financial Statement: ONGC Balance Sheet and Understanding cost drivers and cost control, MDP entitled “Finance for Non-Finance Executives of “Gujarat State Petronet Ltd and Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, GOI, MDP entitled Basics of Accounting & Finance for Officers of AEGCL Capacity Building under NERPSIP Power System Improvement Project, MDP entitled Cost & Management Accounting for Officers of Fin. Dept. Govt of Uttarakhand and MDP on Basics of Accounting & Finance for Officers of TSECL Capacity Building under NERPSIP..
- Working on Project sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (2021-22) entitled
- “Impact Evaluation Study on Social Sector Projects Assisted under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
Important projects conducted by him
- Working on Project sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (2021-22) entitled
- “Impact Evaluation Study on Social Sector Projects Assisted under Rural Infrastructure Development FundWorking on Project sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (2021-22) entitled “Impact Evaluation Study on Social Sector Projects Assisted under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund in the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Rajasthan”
- Working on Project sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (2021-22) entitled “Impact Evaluation Study on Social Sector Projects Assisted under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund in the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Rajasthan”
- Business Plan Development for Pawan Hans Ltd (2021):Developed a 6-year forecast for the organization. Detailed Projection of Statement of Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements for 6 years, customer analysis, competition analysis, market mapping, strategy formulation, funding plan and marketing strategy were developed.
- Grant-in-aid of Rs 13,14,000 under Samriddhi Scheme for “Empowering Socially Challenged Youth of Rural India Through Entrepreneurship.
- Submitted UGC Minor Research Project of Rs 2,35,000 titled Skill Development for Enhancing Employability for Unemployed Youth of Andhra Pradesh Region with reference No. F MRP-6707/16(SERO/UGC).
- Faculty Development Programme worth Rs 7,00,000 (Seven Lakhs only) on“Financial Econometrics – Theory and Applications” with Ref: F.No.6-143/RIFD/FDP/Policy-1/2016-17, dt. 6th June 2017.
- Coordinator for Two Day Seminar Grant of Rs 2,00,000 to Conduct a National seminar on topic Contemporary Issues and Challenges in International Financial Markets
- Co-coordinator for a One Day Workshop on Financial Inclusion – Opportunities and Challenges
- Co-coordinator for the Two-day National Seminar on Role of Financial Services in Growth of Indian Economy Sponsored by AICTE, India.